HTML Coding (HTML / CSS)
At first it's important to know the basic languages of web pages - HTML and CSS. You can complete one of the courses around the web on the topics to learn them:
Component structure
It's important to understand that web pages are consist of separate elements which interact with each other in different contexts. You can get knowledge about components while learning principles of BEM:
CSS processors
CSS processors make your work with styles easier with syntax sugar and DRY principle we will take a look at Saas (SCSS syntax).
Saas (SCSS)
Most popular CSS preprocessor.
Template engines make your work with content and structure of pages easier with syntax sugar and DRY principle. We will take a look at Twig and Markdown.
Template engine that is used in PHP community (Symfony, Drupal 8).
Markup language that is used to simplify work with the content, especially it is used for documentation (GitHub).
The main programming language for client-side, but also can be used for backend development (NodeJS).
Instrument to manage your code.
- Basic Guide
- Pro Git - (first 2-3 chapters for basic understanding)
Command line
Learning materials:
Time management
IDE, Code editors
Main resources
- MDN Web Docs by Mozilla - the most valuable resource about web development
- Google - just put here all your questions
- Stack Overflow - answers for all your questions
- Features support by Can I use - enter feature, use if everything is green. Or, for JS features, use Babel transpiler and polyfills (
- Browsers statistic - please, support browsers with more than 0.5% market share and don't support IE 10 and below without important reasons (drop support for IE 11 too as it will be possible)