
Table of Contents

Administration menu

  • Fast navigation through administration pages, administration and development tools and more.
  • Looks nice with Toolbar Style.

Module Filter

  • Greatly improves modules administration page.

Fast Permissions Administration

  • Greatly improves permissions administration page.


  • Try to understand meaning of the "Feature" word.
  • Start machine names of your features with feature_ prefix.
  • Place your features to sites/all/modules/features or sites/[site]/modules/features directory.
  • Set another modules package for your features (ex "Custom Features")
  • Remember: each feature is Drupal module so you can have some custom in it.
  • For complex custom code it's preferred to place it to separate custom module and set dependency on feature instead of having a lot of custom code in the feature.

Administration Views

  • Replaces number of core's administrative overview/listing pages with views making it possible to customize, extend these pages and add more similar pages for different purposes.

Views Bulk Operations (VBO)

  • Augments Views by allowing bulk operations to be executed on the displayed rows.
  • Extendable by code and Rules.
  • Requirement for the Administration Views.

Backup and Migrate

  • Back up and restore your Drupal MySQL database, code, and files or migrate a site between environments.
  • Supports gzip, bzip and zip compression.
  • Supports automatic scheduled backups.
  • Can save to a file on the server or offsite.
  • Excellent and easy to use backup solution for small and middle projects.
  • Do not use this module on big projects. CLI solutions (like Drush) or specific solutions are more preferred.
  • Do not save backup to public access directories.


  • Allows to define simple or sophisticated theme-switching rules which allow automatic selection of a theme depending on current path, taxonomy terms, language, node-type, and many, many other properties.

Workbench Moderation

  • Adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupal core's "unpublished" and "published" node states, and affects the behavior of node revisions when nodes are published.


  • Compares the live database structure with the schema structure declared by all enabled modules, reporting on any missing or incorrect tables.
  • Provides hyperlinked display of the schema's embedded documentation explaining what each table and field is for.
  • Examines the live database and creates Schema API data structures for all tables that match the live database.

Flood control

  • Adds an administration interface for hidden flood control variables in Drupal 7, like the login attempt limiters and any future hidden variables.

Rabbit Hole

  • Adds the ability to control what should happen when an entity is being viewed at its own page.
  • Useful if you have a content type that never should be displayed on its own page, like an image content type that's displayed in a carousel.
  • This is not an access control module!
  • In most cases you will not need to override Rabbit Hole bundle settings on entity level.
  • If you often need to override bundle settings on entity level, make sure this module fits your needs and you do not need true access control for example.

Override Node Options

@todo Is it really helpful?

Views data export

@todo TBD


@todo TBD

Ultimate Cron

@todo TBD

@todo Weight vs. Nodequeue (vs. other?)

@todo ?

Google Analytics

  • Adds the Google Analytics web statistics tracking system to your website.
  • Better choice than hardcoded Google Analytics code (usually in templates) since it has a lot of configuration options and allows to track only needed roles.

XML sitemap

  • Creates a sitemap that conforms to the specification.


  • Provides one-way string transliteration (romanization) and cleans file names during upload by replacing unwanted characters.
  • May be used for transliteration for URLs (when using Pathauto 2.x).
  • Must-have.

Localization update

Global Redirect

  • Checks the current URL for an alias and does a 301 redirect to it if it is not being used.
  • Checks the current URL for a trailing slash and removes it if present.
  • Makes sure the case of the URL being accessed is the same as the one set by the author/administrator.


  • @todo TBD.